Exploiting Women with Our Tax Dollars

If you’ve been on a college campus in recent years, or if you’ve picked up a college newspaper, you’ve seen the ads: “Donate Your Eggs”, they read, and they offer large amounts of money to donors. Some are awful enough that they specify the traits that they’re looking for, like particular looks, or minimum SATContinue reading “Exploiting Women with Our Tax Dollars”

So he really is anti-life after all

So, it appears that the 100% anti-life Senator, who became the 100% anti-life candidate, is now going to become the 100% anti-life President. Let me explain. While serving in the Illinois Senate, and then in the United States Senate, our President-elect amassed a voting record and public record that was assessed at 100% by theContinue reading “So he really is anti-life after all”

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